Monday, May 24, 2010

Kick the Ball, Avery!

Avery has been pretty busy lately. She graduated from Pumpkin Patch Preschool. So, with that came a field trip to the Pocatello Zoo (not exciting whatsoever) and her graduation program. She was so cute at her graduation by saying the Pledge of Allegiance, introducing herself, and singing the songs she had learned. I would put the video online but I cannot get the videos to work. Sorry!

She played soccer this spring, which turned out to be VERY cold and almost miserable! But she endured to the end and was really starting to play. They don't have any strategy, they just get out on the field and run around. Once and awhile both teams would end up on the next field playing with the other two teams. It was quite comical. I think Avery just liked to run around with Luke and Aiden and really enjoyed the treats afterwards (Remember those days when you couldn't wait for the snack after the game? It brought back memories for me).

She thought the sunglasses made her run faster and play better!

Here are some other cute pictures of my little princess that I absolutely adore!
If anyone really knows Avery, you know that she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES pajamas. So anytime that she can wear them, it's off with her clothes and into her PJs and snuggling in with ther yellow blanket. Gotta love her and the PJs.
I have this obsession with taking pictures of Avery's hands and feet. I guess I never want to forget the size and they always remind me of the innocence of a child. I love them because they are perfect to me!


  1. What a great tribute to Miss Avery!! She is a character! Love that girl!

  2. Thanks for the great soccer season. Ethen loves to see pictures of Abree! She's so fun and ALWAYS happy!

  3. She is such a cute girl! I bet she is loving playing soccer =)

  4. I LOVE..LOVE...LOVE the pic of her with that hat . I want one!! Also the one of her running with that look on her face and her smile. Looks just like Jason.
