Sunday, May 31, 2009

He's 29!

My husband has turned 29! It was just like yesterday when I met him in math class when we were just 16! Oh, how time flies. We celebrated with cake and ice cream and everyone from each side of the family came over. Thanks to everyone who came over and made Jason's day extra special.
I wanted to let him know that I am so glad to be married to him. He is the BEST husband, friend, and father. Jason, Happy Birthday. I hope you had a special day. I love you.


  1. Hey Jas! Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. 29, geez you are getting old my friend. Anyway. Wish I was there to celebrate with you.
    Jared and Kris

  2. Hard to believe for me as well...where have the years gone? In a short time we will be celebrating another 29 years!!!!!
