Friday, July 17, 2009

Jackie, this ones for you!

This post is mostly for Jackie because they are pictures of her kids. We went to Cherry Springs for some pictures and we didn't get too many good shots. We were getting eaten alive by mosquitoes! Plus Avery was there getting in almost every shot! So Jackie, we'll have to do it

The boys were very active boys who didn't like to site still. Ethen just wanted to run around, especially from the mosquitoes. But his pictures turned our better than his older brother's,Aiden.
Aiden is at the age where all of his smiles were forced. So these are just a few of the ones that turned out. Thanks guys for letting me take pictures of your kids and practicing; I hope to get better with time. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed! They look pretty cute for trying to take pictures while running from misquitos and trying to catch up with the running children!
