Saturday, March 7, 2009


We have finally started our basement! We installed our fireplace in October but waited until after the holidays to finish. Jason got help from our brother-in-law, Dave to help us do the electrical work. I was worried that he was going to electricute himself or we'd get finished and we wouldn't have any lights. But he did a fabulous job. Thanks Dave for helping and thanks to Steph for letting us borrow him for a few Saturdays! The sheetrockers came and brought TONS of sheetrock. They hoisted it over the fence with a crane and brought it all in through our basement window. When they went to leave, their truck was stuck in the mud behind our house. With enough rocking back and forth, they eventually got out. Jason was amazed at how fast they could hang that sheetrock-just about 2 days! It would have taken Jason 2 years to hang it himself! We are now in the process of having the texture put on the walls and ceiling and that should be done next week. It will be so nice to have my house back and have a whole another floor we can live in. And no more TV in my front room!! It is very exciting!


  1. Wow I am soooo impressed with tool man Taylor!!!Where did he get the talent and know how? The basement does look good. You will love it!
